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Failed upgrade contingency plan


This documentation covers failed upgrade contingency for pocket - a cosmos-sdk based chain.

While this can be helpful for other blockchain networks, it is not guaranteed to work for other chains.

Contingency plans

There's always a chance the upgrade will fail.

This document is intended to help you recover without significant downtime.

Option 0: The bug is discovered before the upgrade height is reached

Cancel the upgrade plan!

See the instructions of how to do that here.

Option 1: The migration didn't start (i.e. migration halt)

This is unlikely to happen.

Possible reasons for this are if the name of the upgrade handler is different from the one specified in the upgrade plan, or if the binary suggested by the upgrade plan is wrong.

If the nodes on the network stopped at the upgrade height and the migration did not start yet (i.e. there are no logs indicating the upgrade handler and store migrations are being executed), we MUST gather social consensus to restart validators with the --unsafe-skip-upgrade=$upgradeHeightNumber flag.

This will skip the upgrade process, allowing the chain to continue and the protocol team to plan another release.

--unsafe-skip-upgrade simply skips the upgrade handler and store migrations. The chain continues as if the upgrade plan was never set. The upgrade needs to be fixed, and then a new plan needs to be submitted to the network.


--unsafe-skip-upgrade needs to be documented in the list of upgrades and added to the scripts so the next time somebody tries to sync the network from genesis, they will automatically skip the failed upgrade. Documentation and scripts to update

Option 2: The migration is stuck (i.e. incomplete/partial migration)

If the migration is stuck, there's always a chance the upgrade handler was executed onchain as scheduled, but the migration didn't complete.

In such a case, we need:

  • All full nodes and validators: Roll back validators to the backup

    • A snapshot is taken by cosmovisor automatically prior to upgrade when UNSAFE_SKIP_BACKUP is set to false (the default recommended value; more information)
  • All full nodes and validators: skip the upgrade

    • Add the --unsafe-skip-upgrade=$upgradeHeightNumber argument to pocket start command like so:

      pocketd start --unsafe-skip-upgrade=$upgradeHeightNumber # ... the rest of the arguments
  • Protocol team: Resolve the issue with an upgrade and schedule a new plan.

    • The upgrade needs to be fixed, and then a new plan needs to be submitted to the network.
  • Protocol team: document the failed upgrade

    • Document and add --unsafe-skip-upgrade=$upgradeHeightNumber to the scripts (such as docker-compose and cosmovisor installer)
    • The next time somebody tries to sync the network from genesis they will automatically skip the failed upgrade; see documentation and scripts to update

Option 3: The migration succeed but the network is stuck (i.e. migration had a bug)

This should be treated as a consensus or non-determinism bug that is unrelated to the upgrade. See Recovery From Chain Halt for more information on how to handle such issues.

MANDATORY Checklist of Documentation & Scripts to Update

  • The upgrade list should reflect a failed upgrade and provide a range of heights that served by each version.
  • Systemd service should include--unsafe-skip-upgrade=$upgradeHeightNumber argument in its start command here.
  • The Helm chart should point to the latest version;consider exposing via a values.yaml file
  • The docker-compose examples should point to the latest version