Full Node FAQ
How do I check whether my node is accessible from another machine?
nc -vz {EXTERNAL_IP} 26656
How do I view my node status?
sudo systemctl status cosmovisor.service
How do I view my node logs?
sudo journalctl -u cosmovisor.service -f
How do I stop my node?
sudo systemctl stop cosmovisor.service
How do I start my node?
sudo systemctl start cosmovisor.service
How do I restart my node?
sudo systemctl restart cosmovisor.service
How do I query the latest block (i.e. check the node height)?
Using poktrolld:
poktrolld query block --type=height --node http://localhost:26657
Or, using curl:
curl -X GET http://localhost:26657/block | jq
How do I access my CometBFT endpoint externally?
The default CometBFT port is at 26657
To make it accessible externally, you'll need to port all the instructions from
port 26656
on this page to port 26657
. Specifically:
# Update your firewall
sudo ufw allow 26657/tcp
# Alternatively, if ufw is not available, update your iptables
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 26657 -j ACCEPT
# Update your Cosmovisor config
sed -i 's|laddr = "tcp://"|laddr = "tcp://"|' $HOME/.poktroll/config/config.toml
sed -i 's|cors_allowed_origins = \[\]|cors_allowed_origins = ["*"]|' $HOME/.poktroll/config/config.toml
# Restart the service
sudo systemctl restart cosmovisor.service
# Test the connection
nc -vz {EXTERNAL_IP} 26657
Learn more here.
Be careful about making this public as adversarial actors may try to DDoS your node.
How do I check the node version?
poktrolld version
How do I check the Cosmosvisor directory structure?
ls -la /home/poktroll/.poktroll/cosmovisor/
How do I check if an upgrade is available?
ls -la /home/poktroll/.poktroll/cosmovisor/upgrades/
How do I view node configuration?
cat /home/poktroll/.poktroll/config/config.toml