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Application staking config

This document describes the configuration file used by the Application actor to submit a stake transaction, which is a prerequisite for it to use the Pocket Network's RPC services.


You can find a fully featured example configuration at application1_stake_config.yaml.


The stake-application transaction submission command accepts a --config flag that points to a yaml configuration file that defines the stake_amount and service_ids which the Application is allowed to use.


TestNet is not ready as of writing this documentation, so you may need to adjust the command below appropriately.

poktrolld tx application stake-application \
--home=./poktroll \
--config ./stake_config.yaml \
--keyring-backend test \
--from application1 \
--node tcp://poktroll-node:26657


The configuration file consists of a stake_amount entry denominated in upokt and a service_ids list defining the services the Application is interested in consuming.



stake_amount: <number>upokt

Defines the amount of upokt to stake from the Application to be able to consume the services. This amount will be transferred from the Application's account balance and locked. It will be deducted at the end of every session based on the Application's usage.


Required, Non-empty

- <string>

The service_ids list must contain a unique entry.

The current protocol requires the service_ids list to contain EXACTLY ONE entry to prevent Applications from over-servicing.

A detailed explanation of why this is the case can be found in Tokenomis/TLM.

Defines the list of services the Application is willing to consume on the Pocket network. Each entry in the list is a service_id that identifies a service that is available on Pocket network.

It MUST be a string of 8 or fewer alphanumeric characters, underscores, and dashes (i.e. matching the regex ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,8}$).