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Gateway staking config

Gateway staking config

This document describes the configuration file used by the Gateway actor to submit a stake transaction, which is a prerequisite for it proxy relays on behalf of Applications.


You can find a fully featured example configuration at gateway1_stake_config.yaml.


The stake-gateway transaction submission command accepts a --config flag that points to a yaml configuration file that defines the stake_amount the Gateway is willing to lock.


TestNet is not ready as of writing this documentation, so you may need to adjust the command below appropriately.

poktrolld tx gateway stake-gateway \
--home=./poktroll \
--config ./stake_config.yaml \
--keyring-backend test \
--from gateway1 \
--node tcp://poktroll-node:26657


The configuration file consists of the stake_amount entry denominated in upokt.



stake_amount: <number>upokt

Defines the amount of upokt to stake by the Gateway to be able to serve RelayRequest on the Pocket network on behalf of Applications.