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Supplier & RelayMiner (~20 min)

Supplier & RelayMiner Cheat Sheet

This guide provides quick reference commands for setting up a Supplier and running a RelayMiner on Pocket Network.

For detailed instructions, troubleshooting, and observability setup, see the Supplier Walkthrough.


These instructions are intended to run on a Linux machine.

TODO_TECHDEBT(@olshansky): Adapt instructions to be macOS friendly in order to streamline development and reduce friction for any new potential contributor.


  1. Make sure to install the pocketd CLI.
  2. Make sure you know how to create and fund a new account.
  3. You have either staked a new service or found an existing one.
  4. [Optional] You can run things locally or have dedicated long-running hardware. See the Docker Compose Cheat Sheet if you're interested in the latter.

You can append --keyring-backend test to all the pocketd commands throughout this guide to avoid entering the password each time.

This is not recommended but provided for convenience for NON PRODUCTION USE ONLY.

⚠️ Use at your own risk. ⚠️


This document is a cheat sheet to get you quickly started with two things:

  1. Staking an onchain Supplier
  2. Deploying an offchain RelayMiner

By the end of it, you should be able to serve Relays offchain, and claim onchain rewards.

Account Setup

Create the Supplier account

Create a new key pair for the Supplier

pocketd keys add supplier

Prepare your environment

For convenience, we're setting several environment variables to streamline the process of interacting with the Shannon network:

We recommend you put these in your ~/.bashrc file:

export NODE=""
export NODE_FLAGS="--node="
export TX_PARAM_FLAGS="--gas=auto --gas-prices=1upokt --gas-adjustment=1.5 --chain-id=pocket-beta --yes"
export SUPPLIER_ADDR=$(pocketd keys show supplier -a)

As an alternative to appending directly to ~/.bashrc, you can put the above in a special ~/.pocketrc and add source ~/.pocketrc to your ~/.profile (or ~/.bashrc) file for a cleaner organization.

Fund the Supplier account

Run the following command to get the Supplier:

echo "Supplier address: $SUPPLIER_ADDR"

Then use the Shannon Beta TestNet faucet to fund the (supplier owner address) account. See Non-Custodial Staking for more information about supplier owner vs operator and non-custodial staking.

Afterwards, you can query the balance using the following command:

pocketd query bank balances $SUPPLIER_ADDR $NODE_FLAGS

You can find all the explorers, faucets and tools at the tools page.

Supplier Configuration

Stake the Supplier


For an in-depth look at how to stake a supplier, see the Supplier configuration docs.

These instructions help you stake a supplier for a specific service (POKT Morse) using a pre-configured RPC endpoint (Liquify public RPC endpoint).

Retrieve your external IP address:

EXTERNAL_IP=$(curl -4

Choose a port that'll be publicly accessible from the internet (e.g. 8545) and expose it.

You can use the following command for OSs that use ufw (learn more here):

sudo ufw allow 8545/tcp

Create a Supplier stake configuration file:

cat <<🚀 > /tmp/stake_supplier_config.yaml
owner_address: $SUPPLIER_ADDR
operator_address: $SUPPLIER_ADDR
stake_amount: 1000069upokt
- service_id: "morse"
- publicly_exposed_url: http://$EXTERNAL_IP:8545
rpc_type: JSON_RPC

And run the following command to stake the Supplier:

pocketd tx supplier stake-supplier --config /tmp/stake_supplier_config.yaml --from=$SUPPLIER_ADDR $TX_PARAM_FLAGS $NODE_FLAGS

After about a minute, you can check the Supplier's status like so:

pocketd query supplier show-supplier $SUPPLIER_ADDR $NODE_FLAGS

RelayMiner Configuration

Configure the RelayMiner

cat <<🚀 > /tmp/relayminer_config.yaml
- supplier
smt_store_path: /home/pocket/.pocket/smt
- service_id: "morse"
backend_url: ""
enabled: false
addr: :9090
enabled: false
addr: :6060

Start the RelayMiner

pocketd \
relayminer \
--grpc-insecure=false \
--log_level=debug \

Secure vs Non-Secure query_node_grpc_url

In /tmp/relayminer_config.yaml, you'll see that we specify an endpoint for query_node_grpc_url which is TLS terminated.

If grpc-insecure=true then it MUST be an HTTP port, no TLS. Once you have an endpoint exposed, it can be validated like so:

grpcurl -plaintext <host>:<port> list

If grpc-insecure=false, then it MUST be an HTTPS port, with TLS.

The Grove team exposed one such endpoint on one of our validators for Beta Testnet at

It can be validated with:

grpcurl list

Note that no -plaintext flag is required when an endpoint is TLS terminated and must be omitted if it is not.


You can replace both http and https with tcp and it should work the same way.

Supplier FAQ

What Supplier operations are available?

pocketd tx supplier -h

What Supplier queries are available?

pocketd query supplier -h

How do I query for all existing onchain Suppliers?

Then, you can query for all services like so:

pocketd query supplier list-suppliers --node --output json | jq