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Validator Cheat Sheet

Validator Cheat Sheet

🖨 🍝 instructions to get you up and running with a Validator on Pocket Network ✅

There is lots of scripting and some details are abstracted away

See the Validator Walkthrough if you want to understand what's happening under the hood.

Table of Contents


  1. CLI: Make sure to install the poktrolld CLI.
  2. Full Node: Make sure you have followed the Full Node Cheat Sheet to install and run a Full Node first.
poktroll user

If you followed Full Node Cheat Sheet, you can switch to user running the full node (which has poktrolld installed) like so:

su - poktroll # or a different user if you used a different name

Account Setup

Create the Validator Account

Create a new key pair for the validator like so:

poktrolld keys add validator

Prepare your environment

Run the following commands to set up your environment:

cat << 'EOT' > ~/.poktrollrc
export NODE=""
export NODE_FLAGS="--node="
export TX_PARAM_FLAGS="--gas=auto --gas-prices=1upokt --gas-adjustment=1.5 --chain-id=pocket-beta --yes"
export VALIDATOR_ADDR=$(poktrolld keys show validator -a)

echo "source ~/.poktrollrc" >> ~/.bashrc

Fund the Validator account

Run the following command to get the Validator:

echo "Validator address: $VALIDATOR_ADDR"

Then use the Shannon Beta TestNet faucet to fund the validator account.

Afterwards, you can query the balance using the following command:

poktrolld query bank balances $VALIDATOR_ADDR $NODE_FLAGS

If you know someone at Grove who maintains Beta TestNet, you can ask them to run this command:

pkd_beta_tx tx bank send faucet_beta $VALIDATOR_ADDR 6900000000042upokt

Configure the Validator

Get the Validator's PubKey

Run the following command to get the pubkey of your validator:

poktrolld comet show-validator

This will output something like:

{ "@type": "/cosmos.crypto.ed25519.PubKey", "key": "YourPublicKeyHere" }

Create the Validator JSON File

Create a JSON file named validator.json with the content below while make these changes:

  • Replace the "pubkey" value with the output from poktrolld comet show-validator.
  • Update the "amount" field with the amount you wish to stake (e.g., "1000000upokt").
  • Set the "moniker" to your validator's name (validator is the default we provided).
  • You can optionally fill in "identity", "website", "security", and "details".
cat << 'EOF' > validator.json
"pubkey": {
"@type": "/cosmos.crypto.ed25519.PubKey",
"key": "YdlQyhjtrq9pk7afmz6oQ275L4FElzjzEJvB1fj3e1w="
"amount": "1000000upokt",
"moniker": "validator",
"identity": "",
"website": "",
"security": "",
"details": "",
"commission-rate": "0.100000000000000000",
"commission-max-rate": "0.200000000000000000",
"commission-max-change-rate": "0.010000000000000000",
"min-self-delegation": "1"

Create the Validator

Run the following command to create the validator:

poktrolld tx staking create-validator ./validator.json --from=validator $TX_PARAM_FLAGS $NODE_FLAGS

Verify the Validator Status

Verify the status of your validator by running:

poktrolld query staking validator $VALIDATOR_ADDR