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[Deprecated] Docker Compose E2E (> 1 hour)

Docker Compose E2E Cheat Sheet


This is a text heavy walkthrough, but if all goes well, you should have something like the following:

Deploy your server

  1. Go to vultr's console
  2. Choose Cloud Compute - Shared CPU
  3. Choose Debian 12 x64
  4. Select AMD High Performance
  5. Choose the 100GB NVMe storage w/ 4GB memory and 2 vCPU
  6. Disable Auto Backups
  7. Deploy

Install Dependencies

See docker's official instructions here.

Prepare the system:

# Add Docker's official GPG key:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl
sudo install -m 0755 -d /etc/apt/keyrings
sudo curl -fsSL -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc
sudo chmod a+r /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc

# Add the repository to Apt sources:
echo \
"deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc] \
$(. /etc/os-release && echo "$VERSION_CODENAME") stable" | \
sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
sudo apt-get update

# Check if UFW is installed and add rules if it is
if command -v ufw > /dev/null 2>&1; then
sudo ufw allow from
sudo ufw allow from
echo "UFW rules added for Docker networks and validator endpoint"
echo "UFW is not installed, skipping firewall configuration"

And then install docker:

sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin

[Optional] Create a new user

You can optionally create a new user and give it sudo permissions instead of using root.

adduser pocket
usermod -aG docker,sudo pocket
su - pocket

Retrieve the source code

Then pull the github repo

mkdir ~/workspace && cd ~/workspace
git clone
cd poktroll-docker-compose-example

Update your environment

First, copy the sample environment file:

cp .env.sample .env

By default, the .env file uses testnet-beta. If you want to use a different network, update the NETWORK_NAME in your .env file to one of:

  • testnet-alpha: Unstable testnet (use at your own risk)
  • testnet-beta: Stable testnet (default)
  • mainnet: Production network (soft-launched as of 03/2025)

Then set your external IP and source the environment:

EXTERNAL_IP=$(curl -4

echo "source $(pwd)/" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "source $(pwd)/.env" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Start up the full node


The Alpha TestNet currently requires manual steps to sync the node to the latest block. Please find the affected block(s) in this document, which leads to the manual upgrade instructions.

docker compose up -d full-node
# Optional: watch the block height sync up & logs
docker logs -f --tail 100 full-node

Create new addresses for all your accounts and update .env


pocketd keys add supplier > /tmp/supplier

mnemonic=$(tail -n 1 /tmp/supplier | tr -d '\r'); sed -i "s|SUPPLIER_MNEMONIC=\".*\"|SUPPLIER_MNEMONIC=\"$mnemonic\"|" .env

address=$(awk '/address:/{print $3; exit}' /tmp/supplier | tr -d '\r'); sed -i "s|SUPPLIER_ADDR=\".*\"|SUPPLIER_ADDR=\"$address\"|g" .env


pocketd keys add application

privKey=$(export_priv_key_hex application); sed -i "s|APPLICATION_PRIV_KEY_HEX=\".*\"|APPLICATION_PRIV_KEY_HEX=\"$privKey\"|" .env

address=$(pocketd keys show application -a | tr -d '\r'); sed -i "s|APPLICATION_ADDR=\".*\"|APPLICATION_ADDR=\"$address\"|g" .env


pocketd keys add gateway

privKey=$(export_priv_key_hex gateway); sed -i "s|GATEWAY_PRIV_KEY_HEX=\".*\"|GATEWAY_PRIV_KEY_HEX=\"$privKey\"|" .env

address=$(pocketd keys show gateway -a | tr -d '\r'); sed -i "s|GATEWAY_ADDR=\".*\"|GATEWAY_ADDR=\"$address\"|g" .env

FINALLY, update your environment:

source .env

Fund your accounts

Run the following helper command to see your addresses:


Get the faucet URL for your network:


Fund each address using the faucet URL shown above. Then run this helper to find each account on the explorer:


Stake a Supplier & Deploy a RelayMiner

Stake the supplier:

sed -i -e s/YOUR_NODE_IP_OR_HOST/$NODE_HOSTNAME/g ./stake_configs/supplier_stake_config_example.yaml
sed -i -e s/YOUR_OWNER_ADDRESS/$SUPPLIER_ADDR/g ./stake_configs/supplier_stake_config_example.yaml
pocketd tx supplier stake-supplier --config=/pocket/stake_configs/supplier_stake_config_example.yaml --from=supplier $TX_PARAM_FLAGS_BETA

# OPTIONALLY check the supplier's status
pocketd query supplier show-supplier $SUPPLIER_ADDR

# Start the relay miner (please update the grove app ID if you can)
sudo sed -i -e s/YOUR_NODE_IP_OR_HOST/$NODE_HOSTNAME/g relayminer/config/relayminer_config.yaml
sudo sed -i -e "s|backend_url: \".*\"|backend_url: \"\"|g" relayminer/config/relayminer_config.yaml

Start the supplier

docker compose up -d relayminer
# OPTIONALLY view the logs
docker logs -f --tail 100 relayminer

Stake an Application and Gateway

Stake the application:

pocketd tx application stake-application --config=/pocket/stake_configs/application_stake_config_example.yaml --from=application $TX_PARAM_FLAGS_BETA

# OPTIONALLY check the application's status
pocketd query application show-application $APPLICATION_ADDR

Stake the gateway:

pocketd tx gateway stake-gateway --config=/pocket/stake_configs/gateway_stake_config_example.yaml --from=gateway $TX_PARAM_FLAGS_BETA

# OPTIONALLY check the application's status
pocketd query gateway show-gateway $GATEWAY_ADDR

Delegate the application to the gateway:

pocketd tx application delegate-to-gateway $GATEWAY_ADDR --from=application $TX_PARAM_FLAGS_BETA

# OPTIONALLY check the application's delegation status
pocketd query application show-application $APPLICATION_ADDR

Deploy a PATH Gateway

Configure the PATH gateway:

sudo sed -i -e s/YOUR_PATH_GATEWAY_ADDRESS/$GATEWAY_ADDR/g gateway/config/gateway_config.yaml
sudo sed -i -e s/YOUR_PATH_GATEWAY_PRIVATE_KEY/$GATEWAY_PRIV_KEY_HEX/g gateway/config/gateway_config.yaml
sudo sed -i -e s/YOUR_OWNED_APP_PRIVATE_KEY/$APPLICATION_PRIV_KEY_HEX/g gateway/config/gateway_config.yaml

Start the PATH gateway:

docker compose up -d gateway
# OPTIONALLY view the logs
docker logs -f --tail 100 gateway

Send a Relay

curl http://eth.localhost:3000/v1 \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"method":"eth_blockNumber","params":[],"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}'

Ensure you get a response

To ensure you get a response, run the request a few times.

for i in {1..10}; do
curl http://eth.localhost:3000/v1 \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"method":"eth_blockNumber","params":[],"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}' \
--max-time 1
echo ""

Managing a re-genesis

Assuming you already had everything functioning following the steps above, this is a quick way to reset everything (without recreating keys) after a re-genesis.

Full Nodes

# Stop all containers
docker compose down
docker rm $(docker ps -aq) -f

# Remove existing data
rm -rf pocketd-data/config/addrbook.json pocketd-data/config/genesis.json pocketd-data/config/genesis.seeds pocketd-data/data/ pocketd-data/cosmovisor/ pocketd-data/config/node_key.json pocketd-data/config/priv_validator_key.json

Update POCKETD_IMAGE_TAG in .env based on the releases here.

# Start the full
docker compose up -d full-node

# Sanity check the logs
docker logs full-node -f --tail 100

Fund the same accounts

Go to the faucet and fund the same accounts:


Faucet is not ready and you need to fund the accounts manually

# Import the faucet using the mnemonic
pocketd keys add --recover -i faucet
pocketd tx bank multi-send faucet $APPLICATION_ADDR $GATEWAY_ADDR $SUPPLIER_ADDR 100000upokt $TX_PARAM_FLAGS_BETA

Start the RelayMiner

# Stake
pocketd tx supplier stake-supplier --config=/pocket/stake_configs/supplier_stake_config_example.yaml --from=supplier $TX_PARAM_FLAGS_BETA
# Check
pocketd query supplier show-supplier $SUPPLIER_ADDR
# Start
docker compose up -d relayminer
# View
docker logs -f --tail 100 relayminer

Start the PATH Gateway

# Stake
pocketd tx application stake-application --config=/pocket/stake_configs/application_stake_config_example.yaml --from=application $TX_PARAM_FLAGS_BETA
# Check
pocketd query application show-application $APPLICATION_ADDR
# Start
docker compose up -d gateway
# View
docker logs -f --tail 100 gateway