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Supplier staking config

Supplier staking config

This document describes the configuration file used by the Supplier actor to submit a stake transaction, which is a prerequisite for it to provide RPC services on Pocket Network.


You can find a fully featured example configuration at supplier_staking_config.yaml.


The stake-supplier transaction submission command accepts a --config flag that points to a yaml configuration file that defines their staking configuration. This includes, but is not limited to, things like stake_amount, provided services, their respective advertised endpoints, etc.

The following is an example command of how to stake a supplier in a LocalNet environment.

poktrolld tx supplier stake-supplier \
--home=./poktroll \
--config ./stake_config.yaml \
--keyring-backend test \
--from supplier1 \
--node tcp://poktroll-node:26657

Staking types

The Supplier staking command supports Custodial and Non-Custodial staking which can be illustrated in the following flowchart:

Custodial Staking

The owner of the Supplier is the same as the operator. This means the account that receives the rewards is the same as the one that signs the RelayResponses and submits claims and proofs.

Custodial staking is the simplest to set up and manage, as there is no need to manage multiple accounts. It is suitable for Suppliers that do not have concerns about using the private key of the staking or the rewarded account to operate the RelayMiner or update the Supplier's stake and services.

Non-Custodial Staking

The owner of the Supplier is different from the operator. This means the account that receives the rewards is different from the one signing the RelayResponses and submitting claims and proofs.

Non-custodial staking is suitable for Suppliers that want to separate the RelayMiner staking operations from the account that has custody over the staked funds, and in turn, the rewards being earned.


When staking a Supplier, the signing account specified with the --from flag (which may differ from the Supplier's owner or operator) will have its upokt balance deducted to stake the Supplier.

When unstaking a Supplier, the staked upokt will be returned to the owner_address account.




owner_address: <address>

The owner_address is the address of the account that owns the Suppliers staked funds, which will be transferred to this account's balannce when the Supplier unstakes and finishes unbonding.

For custodial staking, the owner_address is the same as the operator_address.

For non-custodial staking, the owner_address MUST be different from the operator_address. This address receives the staked upokt when the Supplier is unstaked and finished unbonding.

The owner_address can only be changed with a stake message signed by the Supplier's owner account.

It is also used as the unique shareholder address for the Supplier if none of default_rev_share_percent or rev_share_percent is defined in the configuration file.


The owner_address does not identify a Supplier; multiple Suppliers can have the same owner_address.



operator_address: <address>

The operator_address is the address that identifies the Supplier. Its corresponding account is used for operational tasks such as signing RelayResponses, submitting Claims and Proofs as well as updating the Supplier's info (i.e. Adding or removing services, increasing the stake amount, etc.)

The operator account can also be used to unstake the Supplier, which will cause the staked upokt to be sent to the owner_address after unbonding finishes.

If the operator_address is empty or not specified, the owner_address is used as the operator_address.

If the operator_address is the same as the owner_address, then the staking is custodial.


Since the operator_address is the unique identifier of a Supplier, it cannot be changed once the Supplier is created. If it needs to be changed, then the corresponding Supplier has to be unstaked and a new one staked with the new operator_address.


Required, Non-empty

stake_amount: <number>upokt

Defines the amount of upokt to stake for the Supplier account. This amount covers all the services defined in the services section.


Optional, Non-empty

<shareholder_address_1>: <uint32>
<shareholder_address_2>: <uint32>

default_rev_share_percent is an optional map that defines the default the revenue share percentage for all the services that do not have their specific rev_share_percent entry defined.

This field is useful if the Supplier owner wants to set a default revenue share for all the services entries that do not provide one. This way, the operator does not have to repeat the same values for each service in the services section.

This map cannot be empty but can be omitted, in which case the default revenue share falls back to 100% of the rewards allocated to the Supplier's owner_address.


The shareholder_addresss MUST be valid Pocket addresses.

The revenue share values MUST be strictly positive floats with a maximum value of 100 and a total sum of 100 across all the shareholder_addresses.


If default_rev_share_percent is defined, then the owner_address of the Supplier MUST be explicitly defined in the map if they are to receive a share on the services that fall back to the default.


Required, Non-empty

- service_id: <string>
- publicly_exposed_url: <protocol>://<hostname>:<port>
rpc_type: <string>
<shareholder_address>: <float>

services define the list of services that the Supplier wants to provide. It takes the form of a list of service objects. Each service object consists of a service_id and a list of endpoints that the Supplier will advertise on Pocket Network.



service_id is a string that uniquely identifies the service that the Supplier is providing. It MUST 8 characters or less and composed of alphanumeric characters, underscores, and dashes only.

For example, it must match the regex ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,8}$, and spaces are disallowed.


Required, Non-empty

endpoints is a list of endpoint objects that the Supplier will advertise to the Pocket Network. Each endpoint object consists of a publicly_exposed_url and a rpc_type.



The publicly_exposed_url defines the endpoint for sending RelayRequests from the Pocket Network's Gateways and Applications. This endpoint is provided by the Supplier when staking, and is meant to point to (or route requests to) the Supplier's RelayMiner which in turn forwards these requests to the service node.

  • Example: When a Supplier stakes with a config file that contains as a publicly_exposed_url, this endpoint will be discoverable on the Pocket Network by Gateways and Applications, which can send it Ethereum RelayRequests to be processed by the Supplier's RelayMiner.


rpc_type is a string that defines the type of RPC service that the Supplier is providing.

Since services may support multiple types of RPCs (e.g., Ethereum has both JSON-RPC and WebSocket), a Supplier needs to specify which one it provides.

This allows Gateways and Applications to know which ones are supported by a given Supplier and select the appropriate one to send RelayRequests to.


The same url can be used for different rpc_types and it is up to the Gateway or Application to build the RelayRequest with the desired rpc_type.

For example, a Supplier can provide JSON_RPC and GRPC rpc_types to be served from the same endpoint:

- publicly_exposed_url: http://service-host
rpc_type: JSON_RPC
- publicly_exposed_url: http://service-host
rpc_type: GRPC

The rpc_type MUST be one of the supported types found here.


rev_share_percent is an optional map that defines the service's specific revenue share percentage.

It overrides the default_rev_share_percent if defined for the service.

This map cannot be empty but can be omitted, in which case it falls back to the default_rev_share_percent top-level configuration entry.


The shareholder_addresss MUST be valid Pocket addresses.

The revenue share values MUST be strictly positive decimals with a maximum value of 100 and a total sum of 100 across all the shareholder_addresses.


If rev_share_percent is defined for a service, then the owner_address of the Supplier MUST be explicitly defined in the map if they are to receive a share.