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Validator (~30 min)

Validator Walkthrough

🧑‍🔬 detailed step-by-step instructions to get you up and running with a Validator on Pocket Network ✅

This is an in-depth walkthrough

See the Validator Cheat Sheet if you want to just copy-pasta a few commands.


This guide will help you stake and run a Validator node on Pocket Network.

As a Validator, you'll be participating in the consensus of the network, validating transactions, and securing the blockchain.

Pre-Requisites & Requirements

  1. CLI: Make sure to install the pocketd CLI.
  2. Synched Full Node: Ensure you have followed the Full Node Walkthrough to install and run a Full Node. Your node must be fully synced with the network before proceeding.

Ensure your node is running and fully synchronized with the network. You can check the synchronization status by running:

pocketd status
pocket user

If you followed Full Node Walkthrough, you can switch to the user running the full node (which has pocketd installed) like so:

su - pocket # or a different user if you used a different name

2. Account Setup

To become a Validator, you need a Validator account with sufficient funds to stake.

2.1. Create the Validator Account

Create a new key pair for your Validator account:

pocketd keys add validator

This will generate a new address and mnemonic.

⚠️ Save the mnemonic securely ⚠️.

2.2. Prepare your environment

For convenience, we're setting several environment variables to streamline the process of interacting with the Shannon network:

We recommend you put these in your ~/.bashrc file:

export NODE=""
export NODE_FLAGS="--node="
export TX_PARAM_FLAGS="--gas=auto --gas-prices=1upokt --gas-adjustment=1.5 --chain-id=pocket-beta --yes"
export VALIDATOR_ADDR=$(pocketd keys show validator -a)

Consider creating ~/.pocketrc and appending source ~/.pocketrc to your ~/.profile (or ~/.bashrc).

This will help keep your pocket specific environment variables separate and organized.

touch ~/.pocketrc
echo "source ~/.pocketrc" >> ~/.profile

2.3. Fund the Validator Account

Run the following command to get the Validator:

echo "Validator address: $VALIDATOR_ADDR"

Then use the Shannon Beta TestNet faucet to fund the validator account.

Afterwards, you can query the balance using the following command:

pocketd query bank balances $VALIDATOR_ADDR $NODE_FLAGS

If you know someone at Grove who maintains Beta TestNet, you can ask them to run this command:

pkd_beta_tx tx bank send faucet_beta $VALIDATOR_ADDR 6900000000042upokt

3. Get the Validator's Public Key

Your node has a unique public key associated with it, which is required for creating the Validator.

To retrieve your node's public key, run:

pocketd comet show-validator

This command outputs your node's public key in JSON format:

{ "@type": "/cosmos.crypto.ed25519.PubKey", "key": "YourPublicKeyHere" }

4. Create the Validator JSON File

Create a JSON file named validator.json with the content below while make these changes:

  • Replace the "pubkey" value with the output from pocketd comet show-validator.
  • Update the "amount" field with the amount you wish to stake (e.g., "1000000upokt").
  • Set the "moniker" to your validator's name (validator is the default we provided).
  • You can optionally fill in "identity", "website", "security", and "details".
cat << 'EOF' > validator.json
"pubkey": {
"@type": "/cosmos.crypto.ed25519.PubKey",
"key": "YdlQyhjtrq9pk7afmz6oQ275L4FElzjzEJvB1fj3e1w="
"amount": "1000000upokt",
"moniker": "validator",
"identity": "",
"website": "",
"security": "",
"details": "",
"commission-rate": "0.100000000000000000",
"commission-max-rate": "0.200000000000000000",
"commission-max-change-rate": "0.010000000000000000",
"min-self-delegation": "1"

5. Create the Validator

Run the following command to create the validator:

pocketd tx staking create-validator ./validator.json --from=validator $TX_PARAM_FLAGS $NODE_FLAGS

This command uses the validator.json file to submit the create-validator transaction.

Example with all parameters specified:

pocketd tx staking create-validator ~/validator.json --from=validator --chain-id=pocket-beta --gas=auto --gas-adjustment=1.5 --gas-prices=1upokt

Some of the parameters you can configure include:

  • ~/validator.json: The path to your validator JSON file.
  • --from=validator: Specifies the local key to sign the transaction.
  • --chain-id=<your-chain-id>: Replace <your-chain-id> with the chain ID of the network you are joining (e.g., pocket-beta for testnet).
  • --gas=auto: Automatically estimate gas required for the transaction.
  • --gas-adjustment=1.5: Adjust the estimated gas by a factor (can help prevent out-of-gas errors).
  • --gas-prices=1upokt: Set the gas price; adjust as needed based on network conditions.

After running the command, you should see a transaction confirmation with an output hash.

6. Verify the Validator Status

To verify that your Validator has been successfully created, run:

pocketd query staking validator $VALIDATOR_ADDR

This command displays information about your Validator, including status, tokens staked, commission rates, and more.

Ensure that the status field indicates that your Validator is active.