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Service Creation (~ 5 min)

Service Creation Cheat Sheet


  1. Make sure to install the pocketd CLI.
  2. Make sure you know how to create and fund a new account.

How do I query for all existing onchain Services?

You can query for all services like so:

pocketd query service all-services --node --output json | jq

Here is an example of the output on Beta TestNet as of writing this document:

"service": [
"id": "svc_8ymf38",
"name": "name for svc_8ymf38",
"compute_units_per_relay": "7",
"owner_address": "pokt1aqsr8ejvwwnjwx3ppp234l586kl06cvas7ag6w"
"id": "svc_drce83",
"name": "name for svc_drce83",
"compute_units_per_relay": "7",
"owner_address": "pokt1mgtf9k4k3pze57gwp3qsne88jmvqkc37t7vd9g"
"id": "svc_jk07qh",
"name": "name for svc_jk07qh",
"compute_units_per_relay": "7",
"owner_address": "pokt1mwynfsnzesc38f98zrk08pttjn48tu7crc2p09"
"pagination": {
"total": "3"

How do I create a new service?

You can use the add-service command to create a new service like so:

pocketd tx service add-service ${SERVICE_ID} "${SERVICE_NAME_OR_DESCRIPTION}" ${COMPUTE_UNITS_PER_RELAY} \
--fees 1upokt --from ${SERVICE_OWNER} --chain-id ${CHAIN_ID}

Here is a concrete copy-pasta assuming you have created and funded a new account called $USER:

pocketd tx service add-service "svc-$USER" "service description for $USER" 13 \
--node \
--fees 1upokt --from $USER --chain-id pocket-beta

Optionally, you can add some more flags to be ultra-verbose about your local environment:

pocketd tx service add-service "svc-$USER" "service description for $USER" 13 \
--node \
--fees 1upokt --from $USER --chain-id pocket-beta \
--home ~/.pocket --keyring-backend test \
--yes --output json

How do I learn more about interacting with Services?

Service Transactions

pocketd tx service -h

Service Queries

pocketd query service -h