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App & PATH Gateway (~30 min)

App & PATH Gateway Cheat Sheet

This guide provides quick reference commands for setting up and running a Gateway on Pocket Network.

For detailed instructions, troubleshooting, and observability setup, see the Gateway Walkthrough.


These instructions are intended to run on a Linux machine.

TODO_TECHDEBT(@olshansky): Adapt instructions to be macOS friendly in order to streamline development and reduce friction for any new potential contributor.


  1. Make sure to install the pocketd CLI.
  2. Make sure you know how to create and fund a new account.

You can append --keyring-backend test to all the pocketd commands throughout this guide to avoid entering the password each time.

This is not recommended but provided for convenience for NON PRODUCTION USE ONLY.

⚠️ Use at your own risk. ⚠️

Account Setup

Create and fund the Gateway and Application accounts

Create a new key pair for the delegating Application:

pocketd keys add application

Create a new key pair for the Gateway:

pocketd keys add gateway

Prepare your environment

For convenience, we're setting several environment variables to streamline the process of interacting with the Shannon network:

We recommend you put these in your ~/.bashrc file:

export POCKET_NODE=""
export NODE_FLAGS="--node=$POCKET_NODE"
export TX_PARAM_FLAGS="--gas=auto --gas-prices=1upokt --gas-adjustment=1.5 --chain-id=pocket-beta --yes"
export GATEWAY_ADDR=$(pocketd keys show gateway -a)
export APP_ADDR=$(pocketd keys show application -a)

As an alternative to appending directly to ~/.bashrc, you can put the above in a special ~/.pocketrc and add source ~/.pocketrc to your ~/.profile (or ~/.bashrc) file for a cleaner organization.

Fund the Gateway and Application accounts

Run the following command to get the Gateway and Application addresses:

echo "Gateway address: $GATEWAY_ADDR"
echo "Application address: $APP_ADDR"

Then use the Shannon Beta TestNet faucet to fund the Gateway and Application accounts respectively.

Afterwards, you can query their balances using the following command:

pocketd query bank balances $GATEWAY_ADDR $NODE_FLAGS
pocketd query bank balances $APP_ADDR $NODE_FLAGS

You can find all the explorers, faucets and tools at the tools page.

Gateway and Application Configurations

Stake the Gateway

Create a Gateway stake configuration file:

cat <<🚀 > /tmp/stake_gateway_config.yaml
stake_amount: 1000000upokt

And run the following command to stake the Gateway:

pocketd tx gateway stake-gateway --config=/tmp/stake_gateway_config.yaml --from=$GATEWAY_ADDR $TX_PARAM_FLAGS $NODE_FLAGS

After about a minute, you can check the Gateway's status like so:

pocketd query gateway show-gateway $GATEWAY_ADDR $NODE_FLAGS

Stake the delegating Application

Create an Application stake configuration file:

cat <<🚀 > /tmp/stake_app_config.yaml
stake_amount: 100000000upokt
- "anvil"

And run the following command to stake the Application:

pocketd tx application stake-application --config=/tmp/stake_app_config.yaml --from=$APP_ADDR $TX_PARAM_FLAGS $NODE_FLAGS

After about a minute, you can check the Application's status like so:

pocketd query application show-application $APP_ADDR $NODE_FLAGS

Delegate the Application to the Gateway

pocketd tx application delegate-to-gateway $GATEWAY_ADDR --from=$APP_ADDR $TX_PARAM_FLAGS $NODE_FLAGS

After about a minute, you can check the Application's status like so:

pocketd query application show-application $APP_ADDR $NODE_FLAGS

PATH Setup

PATH Gateway Setup

Assuming you have followed the instructions above, the following should be true:

  1. You have created, funded and stake a Gateway.
  2. You have created, funded and stake a Application.
  3. You have from the staked Application to staked the Gateway.

Next, you can run a PATH Gateway.

Star by following these instructions:

cd ~/workspace
git clone
cd path

Generate a PATH Gateway config file for the Shannon network


The instructions below show how to setup a PATH in Centralized Mode (i.e. The operator owns both the Gateway and the Application accounts).

Refer to PATH Gateway modes for more configuration options.

Run the following command to generate a default Shannon config config/.config.yaml:

# Make a copy of the default config file
make copy_shannon_config

# Replace the endpoints as needed
sed -i "s|rpc_url: ".*"|rpc_url: $NODE|" config/.config.yaml
sed -i "s|host_port: ".*"|host_port:|" config/.config.yaml

# Update the gateway and application addresses
sed -i "s|gateway_address: .*|gateway_address: $GATEWAY_ADDR|" config/.config.yaml
sed -i "s|gateway_private_key_hex: .*|gateway_private_key_hex: $(export_priv_key_hex gateway)|" config/.config.yaml
sed -i '/owned_apps_private_keys_hex:/!b;n;c\ - '"$(export_priv_key_hex application)" config/.config.yaml

When you're done, run cat config/.config.yaml to view the updated config file.

Run the PATH Gateway

Build and run the PATH Gateway from source

cd cmd/ && go build -o path . && ./path

You should see the following output:

{"level":"info","message":"Starting the cache update process."}
{"level":"warn","message":"endpoint hydrator is disabled: no service QoS generators are specified"}
{"level":"info","package":"router","message":"PATH gateway running on port 3000"}

[TODO] Run the PATH Gateway using Docker

TODO_IMPROVE(@olshansk): Add instructions for running the PATH Gateway using Docker.

Check the PATH Gateway is serving relays

Check that the PATH Gateway is serving relays by running the following command yourself:

curl http://eth.localhost:3000/v1 \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "eth_blockNumber" }'

Requests MAY hit unresponsive nodes. If that happens, keep retrying the request a few times.

Once PATHs QoS module is mature, this will be handled automatically.