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Params adjustments

Parameters and the DAO

Pocket Network utilizes an off-chain governance mechanism that enables the community to vote on proposals. Once a proposal passes, the DAO can adjust the parameters necessary for the protocol's operation.


Block Size Change

Similar to how internal parameters can be adjusted using Adding params, the DAO can submit changes to other modules. For example, here's a transaction that will increase the block size (a parameter in the consensus module):

"body": {
"messages": [
"@type": "/cosmos.consensus.v1.MsgUpdateParams",
"authority": "pokt10d07y265gmmuvt4z0w9aw880jnsr700j8yv32t",
"abci": {},
"block": {
"max_bytes": "66060288",
"max_gas": "-1"
"evidence": {
"max_age_duration": "48h0m0s",
"max_age_num_blocks": "100000",
"max_bytes": "1048576"
"validator": {
"pub_key_types": ["ed25519"]

Important: When submitting changes, you must include all parameters, even if you're only modifying one.

To check the current consensus parameters (before and after the change), use this command:

poktrolld query consensus params

Before the upgrade:

max_bytes: "22020096"
# ... the rest of the response

To submit the transaction that increases the block size:

poktrolld tx authz exec tools/scripts/params/consensus_increase_block_size.json --from pnf --yes

After the upgrade:

max_bytes: "66060288"
# ... the rest of the response