📄️ Protocol Upgrades
Pocket Network is continuously evolving through regular protocol upgrades. We implement software upgrades via a DAO process, allowing validator nodes to incorporate consensus-breaking changes. These upgrades can be automatically applied when using Cosmovisor, or manually if not using cosmovisor.
📄️ List of Protocol Upgrades
The tables below provide a list of past and upcoming protocol upgrades. For more detailed information about what upgrades are, how they work, and what changes they bring to the protocol, please refer to our upgrade overview page.
📄️ Upgrade procedure
This page describes the protocol upgrade process, intended for the protocol team's internal use.
📄️ Params adjustments
Parameters and the DAO
📄️ Release Process
Release Process
📄️ Failed upgrade contingency plan
This documentation covers failed upgrade contingency for poktroll - a cosmos-sdk based chain.