Pocket Network Actors
Pocket Network protocol is composed of both onchain and offchain actors.
There are 3 onchain actors:
There are 2 offchain actors:
Onchain Actors
Onchain actors are part of the Pocket Network distributed ledger. They are the "Web3" part of Pocket.
They can thought of as a record
, a registration
or a piece of state
at a
certain point in time. They have an address
, an account
, a balance
and often
also have a stake
Risks & Misbehavior
This is an open work in progress and an active area of research.
Offchain Actors
Offchain actors are all the operators that make up Pocket Network. They are the "Web2" part of Pocket.
They can be thought of as servers
, processes
or clients
Offchain actors play a key role in executing offchain business logic that is verified onchain and drives onchain state transitions.