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Governance Parameters


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ModuleField TypeField NameComment
applicationuint64 max_delegated_gatewaysmax_delegated_gateways defines the maximum number of gateways that a single application can delegate to. This is used to prevent performance issues in case the relay ring signature becomes too large.
proof bytes relay_difficulty_target_hashTODO_FOLLOWUP(@olshansk, #690): Either delete this or change it to be named "minimum" relay_difficulty_target_hash is the maximum value a relay hash must be less than to be volume/reward applicable.
proof float proof_request_probabilityproof_request_probability is the probability of a session requiring a proof if it's cost (i.e. compute unit consumption) is below the ProofRequirementThreshold.
proof uint64 proof_requirement_thresholdproof_requirement_threshold is the session cost (i.e. compute unit consumption) threshold which asserts that a session MUST have a corresponding proof when its cost is equal to or above the threshold. This is in contrast to the this requirement being determined probabilistically via ProofRequestProbability. TODO_MAINNET: Consider renaming this to proof_requirement_threshold_compute_units.
service uint64 add_service_feeThe amount of uPOKT required to add a new service. This will be deducted from the signer's account balance, and transferred to the pocket network foundation.
shared uint64 num_blocks_per_sessionnum_blocks_per_session is the number of blocks between the session start & end heights.
shared uint64 grace_period_end_offset_blocksgrace_period_end_offset_blocks is the number of blocks, after the session end height, during which the supplier can still service payable relays. Suppliers will need to recreate a claim for the previous session (if already created) to get paid for the additional relays.
shared uint64 claim_window_open_offset_blocksclaim_window_open_offset_blocks is the number of blocks after the session grace period height, at which the claim window opens.
shared uint64 claim_window_close_offset_blocksclaim_window_close_offset_blocks is the number of blocks after the claim window open height, at which the claim window closes.
shared uint64 proof_window_open_offset_blocksproof_window_open_offset_blocks is the number of blocks after the claim window close height, at which the proof window opens.
shared uint64 proof_window_close_offset_blocksproof_window_close_offset_blocks is the number of blocks after the proof window open height, at which the proof window closes.
shared uint64 supplier_unbonding_period_sessionssupplier_unbonding_period_sessions is the number of sessions that a supplier must wait after unstaking before their staked assets are moved to their account balance. On-chain business logic requires, and ensures, that the corresponding block count of the unbonding period will exceed the end of any active claim & proof lifecycles.
shared uint64 application_unbonding_period_sessionsapplication_unbonding_period_sessions is the number of sessions that an application must wait after unstaking before their staked assets are moved to their account balance. On-chain business logic requires, and ensures, that the corresponding block count of the application unbonding period will exceed the end of its corresponding proof window close height.
tokenomicsuint64 compute_units_to_tokens_multiplierThe amount of upokt that a compute unit should translate to when settling a session.