Adding Onchain Module Parameters
Adding Onchain Module Parameters
- Step-by-Step Instructions
- 0. If the Module Doesn't Already Support a
Message- 0.1. Scaffold the
Message - 0.2. Update
Fields - 0.3 Comment Out AutoCLI
- 0.4. Update the DAO Genesis Authorizations JSON File
- 0.5 Update the
Constructor andMsgUpdateParam#ValidateBasic()
- 0.6 Update the Module's
Handler - 0.7 Update Module's Params Test Suite
- 0.1. Scaffold the
- 1. Define the Parameter in the Protocol Buffers File
- 2. Update the Default Parameter Values
- 3. Parameter Validation
- 4. Add Parameter Case to Switch Statements
- 5. Update Unit Tests
- 6. Update the Parameter Integration Tests
- 7. Update the Makefile and Supporting JSON Files
- 0. If the Module Doesn't Already Support a
Adding a new onchain module parameter involves multiple steps to ensure that the
parameter is properly integrated into the system. This guide will walk you through
the process using a generic approach, illustrated by adding a parameter to the proof
See pokt-network/poktroll#595 for a real-world example.
TODO_POST_MAINNET(@bryanchriswhite): Once the next version of ignite
is out, leverage:
Step-by-Step Instructions
The steps outlined below follow the same example where:
- Module name:
- New parameter name:
- Default value:
When following these steps, be sure to substitute these example values with your own!
At any point, you can always run go test ./x/examplemod/...
to check whether everything is working or locate outstanding necessary changes.
0. If the Module Doesn't Already Support a MsgUpdateParam
In order to support individual parameter updates, the module MUST have a MsgUpdateParam
If the module doesn't already support this message, it will need to be added.
0.1. Scaffold the MsgUpdateParam
Use ignite
to scaffold a new MsgUpdateParam
message for the module.
Additional flags are used for convenience:
ignite scaffold message update-param --module examplemod --signer authority name as_type --response params
Try running make proto_clean_pulsar
if you experience errors like these:
✘ Error while running command /home/bwhite/go/bin/buf generate /tmp/proto-sdk2893110128/cosmos/upgrade/v1beta1/tx.proto ...: {..."message":"import \"gogoproto/gogo.proto\": file does not exist"}
: exit status 100
✘ Error while running command go mod tidy: go:
go: imports module found (v0.7.6), but does not contain package
✘ Error while running command /home/bwhite/go/bin/buf dep update /home/bwhite/Projects/pokt/pocket/proto: Failure: decode proto/buf.lock: no digest specified for module
: exit status 1
0.2. Update MsgUpdateParam
and MsgUpdateParamResponse
Update the MsgUpdateParam
message fields in the module's tx.proto
file (e.g. proto/pocket/examplemod/tx.proto
) to include the following comments and protobuf options:
+ // MsgUpdateParam is the Msg/UpdateParam request type to update a single param.
message MsgUpdateParam {
option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "authority";
- string authority = 1;
+ // authority is the address that controls the module (defaults to x/gov unless overwritten).
+ string authority = 1 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];
string name = 2;
- string asType = 3;
+ oneof as_type {
+ // Add `as_<type>` fields for each type in this module's Params type; e.g.:
+ // int64 as_int64 = 3 [(gogoproto.jsontag) = "as_int64"];
+ // bytes as_bytes = 4 [(gogoproto.jsontag) = "as_bytes"];
+ // cosmos.base.v1beta1.Coin as_coin = 5 [(gogoproto.jsontag) = "as_coin"];
+ }
message MsgUpdateParamResponse {
Update the MsgUpdateParamResponse
message field (params
) in the same tx.proto
message MsgUpdateParamResponse {
- string params = 1;
+ Params params = 1;
0.3 Comment Out AutoCLI
When scaffolding the MsgUpdateParam
message, generated code is added to x/examplemod/module/autocli.go
Since governance parameters aren't updated via pocketd
CLI, comment out these new lines:
// ...
Tx: &autocliv1.ServiceCommandDescriptor{
Service: modulev1.Msg_ServiceDesc.ServiceName,
EnhanceCustomCommand: true, // only required if you want to use the custom command
RpcCommandOptions: []*autocliv1.RpcCommandOptions{
// ...
+ // {
+ // RpcMethod: "UpdateParam",
+ // Use: "update-param [name] [as-type]",
+ // Short: "Send a update-param tx",
+ / PositionalArgs: []*autocliv1.PositionalArgDescriptor{{ProtoField: "name"}, {ProtoField: "asType"}},
+ // },
// this line is used by ignite scaffolding # autocli/tx
// ...
0.4. Update the DAO Genesis Authorizations JSON File
Add a grant (array element) to tools/scripts/authz/dao_genesis_authorizations.json
with the authorization.msg
typeURL for this module's MsgUpdateType
+ {
+ "granter": "pokt10d07y265gmmuvt4z0w9aw880jnsr700j8yv32t",
+ "grantee": "pokt1eeeksh2tvkh7wzmfrljnhw4wrhs55lcuvmekkw",
+ "authorization": {
+ "@type": "\/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.GenericAuthorization",
+ "msg": "\/pocket.examplemod.MsgUpdateParam" // Replace examplemod with the module name
+ },
+ "expiration": "2500-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+ },
0.5 Update the NewMsgUpdateParam
Constructor and MsgUpdateParam#ValidateBasic()
Prepare x/examplemod/types/message_update_param.go
to handle message construction and parameter validations by type:
- func NewMsgUpdateParam(authority string, name string, asType string) *MsgUpdateParam {
+ func NewMsgUpdateParam(authority string, name string, asType any) (*MsgUpdateParam, error) {
+ var asTypeIface isMsgUpdateParam_AsType
+ switch t := asType.(type) {
+ default:
+ return nil, ExamplemodParamInvalid.Wrapf("unexpected param value type: %T", asType)
+ }
return &MsgUpdateParam{
Authority: authority,
Name: name,
- AsType: asType,
- }
+ AsType: asTypeIface,
+ }, nil
func (msg *MsgUpdateParam) ValidateBasic() error {
_, err := cosmostypes.AccAddressFromBech32(msg.Authority)
if err != nil {
return errorsmod.Wrapf(sdkerrors.ErrInvalidAddress, "invalid authority address (%s)", err)
- return nil
+ // Parameter value MUST NOT be nil.
+ if msg.AsType == nil {
+ return ErrExamplemodParamInvalid.Wrap("missing param AsType")
+ }
+ // Parameter name MUST be supported by this module.
+ switch msg.Name {
+ default:
+ return ErrExamplemodParamInvalid.Wrapf("unsupported param %q", msg.Name)
+ }
0.6 Update the Module's msgServer#UpdateParam()
Prepare x/examplemod/keeper/msg_server_update_param.go
to handle parameter updates by type:
- func (k msgServer) UpdateParam(goCtx context.Context, msg *examplemodtypes.MsgUpdateParam) (*examplemodtypes.MsgUpdateParamResponse, error) {
- ctx := sdk.UnwrapSDKContext(goCtx)
- // TODO: Handling the message
- _ = ctx
+ // UpdateParam updates a single parameter in the proof module and returns
+ // all active parameters.
+ func (k msgServer) UpdateParam(ctx context.Context, msg *examplemodtypes.MsgUpdateParam) (*examplemodtypes.MsgUpdateParamResponse, error) {
+ logger := k.logger.With(
+ "method", "UpdateParam",
+ "param_name", msg.Name,
+ )
+ if err := msg.ValidateBasic(); err != nil {
+ return nil, status.Error(codes.InvalidArgument, err.Error())
+ }
+ if k.GetAuthority() != msg.Authority {
+ return nil, status.Error(
+ codes.PermissionDenied,
+ examplemodtypes.ErrExamplemodInvalidSigner.Wrapf(
+ "invalid authority; expected %s, got %s",
+ k.GetAuthority(), msg.Authority,
+ ).Error(),
+ )
+ }
+ params := k.GetParams(ctx)
+ switch msg.Name {
+ default:
+ return nil, status.Error(
+ codes.InvalidArgument,
+ examplemodtypes.ErrExamplemodParamInvalid.Wrapf("unsupported param %q", msg.Name).Error(),
+ )
+ }
+ // Perform a global validation on all params, which includes the updated param.
+ // This is needed to ensure that the updated param is valid in the context of all other params.
+ if err := params.Validate(); err != nil {
+ return nil, status.Error(codes.InvalidArgument, err.Error())
+ }
+ if err := k.SetParams(ctx, params); err != nil {
+ err = fmt.Errorf("unable to set params: %w", err)
+ logger.Error(err.Error())
+ return nil, status.Error(codes.Internal, err.Error())
+ }
+ updatedParams := k.GetParams(ctx)
+ return &types.MsgUpdateParamResponse{
+ Params: &updatedParams,
+ }, nil
0.7 Update Module's Params Test Suite ModuleParamConfig
Add MsgUpdateParam
& MsgUpdateParamResponse
to the module's ModuleParamConfig#ParamsMsg
in testutil/integration/suites/param_config.go
ExamplemodModuleParamConfig = ModuleParamConfig{
ParamsMsgs: ModuleParamsMessages{
MsgUpdateParams: gatewaytypes.MsgUpdateParams{},
MsgUpdateParamsResponse: gatewaytypes.MsgUpdateParamsResponse{},
+ MsgUpdateParam: gatewaytypes.MsgUpdateParam{},
+ MsgUpdateParamResponse: gatewaytypes.MsgUpdateParamResponse{},
QueryParamsRequest: gatewaytypes.QueryParamsRequest{},
QueryParamsResponse: gatewaytypes.QueryParamsResponse{},
// ...
1. Define the Parameter in the Protocol Buffers File
Define the new parameter in the module's params.proto
file (e.g., proto/pocket/examplemod/params.proto
message Params {
// Other existing parameters...
+ // Description of the new parameter.
+ int64 new_parameter = 3 [(gogoproto.jsontag) = "new_parameter", (gogoproto.moretags) = "yaml:\"new_parameter\""];
Be sure to update the gogoproto.jsontag
and gogoproto.moretags
option values to match the new parameter name!
Don't forget to run make proto_regen
to update generated protobuf go code.
2. Update the Default Parameter Values
2.1 Go Source Defaults
In the corresponding Go file (e.g., x/examplemod/types/params.go
), define the default
value, key, and parameter name for the new parameter and include the default in the
and DefaultParams
var (
// Other existing parameter keys, names, and defaults...
+ KeyNewParameter = []byte("NewParameter")
+ ParamNewParameter = "new_parameter"
+ DefaultNewParameter int64 = 42
func NewParams(
// Other existing parameters...
+ newParameter int64,
) Params {
return Params{
// Other existing parameters...
+ NewParameter: newParameter,
func DefaultParams() Params {
return NewParams(
// Other existing default parameters...
+ DefaultNewParameter,
2.2 Genesis Configuration Parameter Defaults
Add the new parameter to the genesis configuration file (e.g., config.yml
# Other existing parameters...
+ new_parameter: 42
3. Parameter Validation
3.1 Define a Validation Function
Implement a validation function for the new parameter in x/examplemod/types/params.go
+ // ValidateNewParameter validates the NewParameter param.
+ func ValidateNewParameter(newParamAny any) error {
+ newParam, ok := newParamAny.(int64)
+ if !ok {
+ return ErrExamplemodParamInvalid.Wrapf("invalid parameter type: %T", newParamAny)
+ }
+ // Any additional validation...
+ return nil
+ }
3.2 Call it in the Params#Validate()
Integrate the usage of the new ValidateNewParameter
function in the corresponding
function where this is used:
func (params *Params) Validate() error {
// ...
+ if err := ValidateNewParameter(params.NewParameter); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
// ...
3.3 Add a ParamSetPair
to ParamSetPairs()
Include a call to NewParamSetPair()
, passing the parameter's key, value pointer, and validation function in the ParamSetPairs
function return:
func (p *Params) ParamSetPairs() paramtypes.ParamSetPairs {
return paramtypes.ParamSetPairs{
// Other existing param set pairs...
+ paramtypes.NewParamSetPair(
+ KeyNewParameter,
+ &p.NewParameter,
+ ValidateNewParameter,
+ ),
4. Add Parameter Case to Switch Statements
4.1 MsgUpdateParam#ValidateBasic()
Add the parameter type and name (e.g. ParamNameNewParameter
) to new cases in the switch statements in NewMsgUpdateParam()
and MsgUpdateParam#ValidateBasic()
in x/examplemod/types/message_update_param.go
func NewMsgUpdateParam(authority string, name string, asType any) (*MsgUpdateParam, error) {
// ...
switch t := asType.(type) {
+ case int64:
+ asTypeIface = &MsgUpdateParam_AsCoin{AsInt64: t}
return nil, ErrExamplemodParamInvalid.Wrapf("unexpected param value type: %T", asType))
// ...
+ // ValidateBasic performs a basic validation of the MsgUpdateParam fields. It ensures:
+ // 1. The parameter name is supported.
+ // 2. The parameter type matches the expected type for a given parameter name.
+ // 3. The parameter value is valid (according to its respective validation function).
func (msg *MsgUpdateParam) ValidateBasic() error {
// ...
switch msg.Name {
+ case ParamNewParameter:
+ if err := genericParamTypeIs[*MsgUpdateParam_AsInt64](msg); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return ValidateNewParameter(msg.GetAsInt64())
return ErrExamplemodParamInvalid.Wrapf("unsupported param %q", msg.Name)
+ func genericParamTypeIs[T any](msg *MsgUpdateParam) error {
+ if _, ok := msg.AsType.(T); !ok {
+ return ErrParamInvalid.Wrapf(
+ "invalid type for param %q; expected %T, got %T",
+ msg.Name, *new(T), msg.AsType,
+ )
+ }
+ return nil
+ }
4.2 msgServer#UpdateParam()
Add the parameter name (e.g. ParamNameNewParameter
) to a new case in the switch statement in msgServer#UpdateParam()
in x/examplemod/keeper/msg_server_update_param.go
Every error return from msgServer
methods (e.g. #UpdateParams()
) SHOULD be encapsulated in a gRPC status error!
// UpdateParam updates a single parameter in the proof module and returns
// all active parameters.
func (k msgServer) UpdateParam(
ctx context.Context,
msg *examplemodtypes.MsgUpdateParam,
) (*examplemodtypes.MsgUpdateParamResponse, error) {
if err := msg.ValidateBasic(); err != nil {
return nil, status.Error(codes.InvalidArgument, err.Error())
// ...
switch msg.Name {
+ case examplemodtypes.ParamNewParameter:
+ logger = logger.with("param_value", msg.GetAsInt64())
+ params.NewParameter = msg.GetAsInt64()
return nil, status.Error(
examplemodtypes.ErrExamplemodParamInvalid.Wrapf("unsupported param %q", msg.Name).Error(),
// ...
if err := params.Validate(); err != nil {
return nil, status.Error(codes.InvalidArgument, err.Error())
// ...
5. Update Unit Tests
5.1 Parameter Validation Tests
Add unit tests which exercise validation of the new parameter(s) in x/examplemod/keeper/params_test.go
Ensure there is a test function for each parameter which covers all cases of invalid input:
func TestGetParams(t *testing.T) {
// ...
+ func TestParams_ValidateNewParameter(t *testing.T) {
+ tests := []struct {
+ desc string
+ newParameter any
+ expectedErr error
+ }{
+ {
+ desc: "invalid type",
+ newParameter: "420",
+ expectedErr: examplemodtypes.ErrExamplemodParamInvalid.Wrapf("invalid parameter type: string"),
+ },
+ {
+ desc: "valid NewParameterName",
+ newParameter: int64(420),
+ },
+ }
+ for _, test := range tests {
+ t.Run(test.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
+ err := examplemodtypes.ValidateNewParameter(test.newParameter)
+ if test.expectedErr != nil {
+ require.Error(t, err)
+ require.Contains(t, err.Error(), test.expectedErr.Error())
+ } else {
+ require.NoError(t, err)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ }
5.2 Parameter Update Tests
Add test cases to x/examplemod/keeper/msg_update_params_test.go
to ensure coverage over any invalid parameter combinations.
Add a case for the "minimal params" if some subset of the params are "required".
If one already exist, update it if applicable; e.g.:
+ {
+ desc: "valid: send minimal params", // For parameters which MUST NEVER be their zero value or nil.
+ input: &examplemodtypes.MsgUpdateParams{
+ Authority: k.GetAuthority(),
+ Params: examplemodtypes.Params{
+ NewParameter: 42,
+ },
+ },
+ shouldError: false,
+ },
Add a unit test which exercise individually updating the new parameter in x/examplemod/keeper/msg_server_update_param_test.go
This test asserts that updating was successful and that no other parameter was effected:
+ func TestMsgUpdateParam_UpdateNewParameterOnly(t *testing.T) {
+ var expectedNewParameter int64 = 420
+ // Set the parameters to their default values
+ k, msgSrv, ctx := setupMsgServer(t)
+ defaultParams := examplemodtypes.DefaultParams()
+ require.NoError(t, k.SetParams(ctx, defaultParams))
+ // Ensure the default values are different from the new values we want to set
+ require.NotEqual(t, expectedNewParameter, defaultParams.NewParameter)
+ // Update the new parameter
+ updateParamMsg := &examplemodtypes.MsgUpdateParam{
+ Authority: authtypes.NewModuleAddress(govtypes.ModuleName).String(),
+ Name: examplemodtypes.ParamNewParameter,
+ AsType: &examplemodtypes.MsgUpdateParam_AsInt64{AsInt64: expectedNewParameter},
+ }
+ res, err := msgSrv.UpdateParam(ctx, updateParamMsg)
+ require.NoError(t, err)
+ require.Equal(t, expectedNewParameter, res.Params.NewParameter)
+ // Ensure the other parameters are unchanged
+ testkeeper.AssertDefaultParamsEqualExceptFields(t, &defaultParams, res.Params, string(examplemodtypes.KeyNewParameter))
+ }
If creating msg_server_update_param_test.go
, be sure to:
- use the
package (i.e.package keeper_test
). - add the testutil keeper import:
testkeeper ""
Update x/examplemod/types/message_update_param_test.go
to use the new MsgUpdateParam#AsType
Start with the following cases and add those which cover all invalid values for the new param (and its AsType
; e.g. AsCoin
cannot be nil):
func TestMsgUpdateParam_ValidateBasic(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
- name string
+ desc string
msg MsgUpdateParam
- err error
+ expectedErr error
- name: "invalid address",
+ desc: "invalid: authority address invalid",
msg: MsgUpdateParam{
Authority: "invalid_address",
+ Name: "", // Doesn't matter for this test
+ AsType: &MsgUpdateParam_AsInt64{AsInt64: 0},
- err: sdkerrors.ErrInvalidAddress,
+ expectedErr: sdkerrors.ErrInvalidAddress,
+ }, {
+ desc: "invalid: param name incorrect (non-existent)",
+ msg: MsgUpdateParam{
+ Authority: sample.AccAddress(),
+ Name: "non_existent",
+ AsType: &MsgUpdateParam_AsInt64{AsInt64: DefaultNewParameter},
+ },
+ expectedErr: ErrExamplemodParamInvalid,
}, {
- name: "valid address",
+ desc: "valid: correct address, param name, and type",
msg: MsgUpdateParam{
Authority: sample.AccAddress(),
+ Name: ParamNewParameter,
+ AsType: &MsgUpdateParam_AsInt64{AsInt64: DefaultNewParameter},
// ...
6. Update the Parameter Integration Tests
Integration tests which cover parameter updates utilize the ModuleParamConfig
s defined in testutil/integration/params/param_configs.go
to dynamically (i.e. using reflection) construct and send parameter update messages in a test environment.
When adding parameters to a module, it is necessary to update that module's ModuleParamConfig
to include the new parameter, othwerwise it will not be covered by the integration test suite.
6.1 Add a valid param
Update ModuleParamConfig#ValidParams
to include a valid and non-default value for the new parameter in the module's tx.proto
file (e.g. proto/pocket/examplemod/tx.proto
ExamplemodModuleParamConfig = ModuleParamConfig{
// ...
ValidParams: examplemodtypes.Params{
+ NewParameter: 420,
// ...
6.2 Check for as_<type>
on MsgUpdateParam
Ensure an as_<type>
field exists on MsgUpdateParam
corresponding to the type of the new parameter (proto/pocket/examplemod/tx.proto
message MsgUpdateParam {
oneof as_type {
- // Add `as_<type>` fields for each type in this module's Params type; e.g.:
+ int64 as_int64 = 3 [(gogoproto.jsontag) = "as_int64"];
6.3 Update the module's ModuleParamConfig
Ensure that all available as_<type>
types for the module are present on the module's ModuleParamConfig#ParamTypes
ExamplemodModuleParamConfig = ModuleParamConfig{
// ...
ValidParams: examplemodtypes.Params{},
+ ParamTypes: map[ParamType]any{
+ ParamTypeInt64: examplemodtypes.MsgUpdateParam_AsInt64{},
+ },
DefaultParams: examplemodtypes.DefaultParams(),
// ...
7. Update the Makefile and Supporting JSON Files
7.1 Update the Makefile
Add a new target in makefiles/
to update the new parameter:
.PHONY: params_update_examplemod_new_parameter
params_update_examplemod_new_parameter: ## Update the examplemod module new_parameter param
pocketd tx authz exec ./tools/scripts/params/examplemod_new_parameter.json $(PARAM_FLAGS)
Reminder to substitute examplemod
and new_parameter
with your module and param names!
7.2 Create a new JSON File for the Individual Parameter Update
Create a new JSON file (e.g., proof_new_parameter_name.json
) in the tools/scripts/params directory to specify how to update the new parameter:
"body": {
"messages": [
"@type": "/pocket.examplemod.MsgUpdateParam", // Replace module name
"authority": "pokt10d07y265gmmuvt4z0w9aw880jnsr700j8yv32t",
"name": "new_parameter", // Replace new parameter name
"as_int64": "42" // Replace default value
7.3 Update the JSON File for Updating All Parameters for the Module
Add a line to the existing module's MsgUpdateParam
JSON file (e.g., proof_all.json
with the default value for the new parameter.
"body": {
"messages": [
"@type": "/pocket.examplemod.MsgUpdateParams", // Replace module name
"authority": "pokt10d07y265gmmuvt4z0w9aw880jnsr700j8yv32t",
"params": {
// Other existing parameters...
+ "new_parameter": "42" // Replace name and default value