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Token Logic Modules



This is an active WIP and the resources here are the best starting references to learn more.

In particular:

  • This is better than what exists in production (Morse) today in enabling permissionless demand
  • This should be seen as an interim solution to avoid delaying the Shannon upgrade
  • The goal is to iterate and experiment with tokenomics post upgrade

Token Logic Module (TLM) processing consists of the following sequential steps:

  1. TLM pre-processing - General pre-processing to determine the number of tokens to settle per claim.
  2. TLM processing - Iterating through each TLM, sequentially, independently of each other.

Background: Max Claimable Amount

tl;dr Max Claimable Amount ∝ (Application Stake / Number of Suppliers per Session)

Per Algorithm 1 of the Relay Mining paper, the maximum amount a supplier can claim from an application in a single session MUST NOT exceed the Application's stake divided by the number of suppliers in the session.

This is referred to as "Relay Mining Payable Relay Accumulation" in the paper and is described by the following pseudo-code:

Algorithm 1


See the relay mining docs or the annotated presentation for more information.

TLM (pre) Processing

tl;dr Determine if the claim amount is greater than the maximum claimable amount prior to running each individual TLM.

Prior to processing each individual TLM, we need to understand if the amount claimed by the supplier adheres to the optimistic maxIA set per the limits of the Relay Mining algorithm.


Pocket Network can be seen as a probabilistic, optimistic permissionless multi-tenant rate limiter.

This works by putting funds in escrow, burning it after work is done, and putting optimistic limits in place whose work volume is proven onchain.

Suppliers always have the option to over-service an Application (i.e. do free work), in order to ensure high quality service in the network. This may lead to offchain reputation benefits (e.g. Gateways favoring them), but suppliers' onchain rewards are always limited by the cumulative amounts Applications' stakes (at session start; per service) and the number of Suppliers in the session.


In order for the MaxClaimableAmount to prevent Applications from over-servicing, the Application.Stake must be claimable only by Suppliers from the same session (i.e. the same service).

For a given application MaxClaimableAmount is Application.Stake / NumSuppliersPerSession and defined per session/service.

If an Application is able send traffic to n services then it could be over-servicing up to n times its stake for a given session number by performing MaxClaimableAmount * NumSuppliersPerSession * n > Application.Stake worth of work.

To avoid thy type of over-servicing, The Pocket protocol requires Applications to only be able to stake for EXACTLY ONE service.


TODO_POST_MAINNET: After the Shannon upgrade, the team at Grove has a lot of ideas related to onchain reputation, supplier overlay networks, and much more, all of which is out of scope for the initial implementation.

TLM: Mint=Burn (MEB)

tl;dr The transfer of tokens from the applications to the suppliers based on the amount of work received and provided respectively.

The Mint=Burn TLM is, theoretically, the only TLM necessary once the network reaches maturity in the far future.

The same number of tokens minted to the Supplier module is burned from the Application module. The stake (in escrow) owned by the application which is paying for work is reduced and the rewards are distributed to the suppliers and their revenue shareholder addresses.


TODO_MAINNET: If the application stake has dropped to (near?) zero, should we unstake it? Should we use it's balance? Should their be a payee of last resort? Make sure to document whatever decision we come to.

TLM: Global Mint (GM)

tl;dr Distribute newly minted coins on a per claim basis to all involved stakeholders.

The Global Mint TLM is, theoretically, going to reach zero when the network reaches maturity in the far future.

On a per claim basis, the network mints new tokens based on the amount of work claimed. The newly minted tokens are distributed to the DAO, Service Owner, Application, Supplier and its Revenue Shareholders based on the values of various governance params.

TLM: Global Mint Reimbursement Request (GMRR)

tl;dr Prevent self-dealing by over-charging applications, sending the excess to the DAO/PNF, and emitting an event as a reimbursement request.

Self Dealing Attack

A self-dealing attack is when an application leverages the inflationary nature of the tokenomics to increase its balance by sending spam traffic.

  • Above the Inflation note, the number of tokens in circulation remains constant.
  • After the Inflation note, the number of tokens in circulation increases.

If the individual managing the Application/Gateway is the same one who is managing the Supplier and/or Service Owner, they could mint an unbounded number of new tokens for themselves by sending fake traffic. This is shown in red.

Reimbursement Request Philosophy

Solving the above problem is non-trivial.

See the resources for more information on the long-term game-theoretic solutions.

In the meantime, the interim manual approach described below is a stepping stone do things that don't scale in the short term, but can be easily automated, while enabling permissionless demand and dissuading self-dealing attacks.

Reimbursement Request Design

This TLM is a dependency of the Global Mint TLM; i.e., it MUST be active ONLY IF Global Mint is active.

This TLM can, theoretically, be removed if self-dealing attacks are not a concern, or if the global mint per claim governance parameter is set to zero.

The goal of the TLM is supplement the Global Mint TLM such that:

  1. The application is overcharged by the inflation amount in TLM: Global Mint.
  2. The application must "show face" in front of the DAO/PNF to request reimbursement.
  3. PNF needs to manually approve the reimbursement request.

While this is not perfect, it follows on the Deterrence Theory that the increased risk of punishment will dissuade bad actors.

NOTE: A side effect of this TLM is creating additional buy pressure of the token as Applications and Gateways will be responsible for frequently "topping up" their balances and app stakes.

Later, PNF, on behalf of the DAO, will review the reimbursement requests and approve them.


Are Applications responsible for endorsing/covering the whole global mint amount?

tl;dr Yes, for the first version.

The application PAYS the supplier for work done (i.e. Mint=Burn). The application GETS REIMBURSED for the inflation (i.e. Global Mint).

This will require staked Applications (sovereign or those managed by Gateways) to periodically "top up" their balances to cover not only the onchain costs/burn, but also the inflation until it is reimbursed by the DAO/PNF.

Will there be onchain enforcement of how Applications get reimbursed?

tl;dr Unfortunately, no.

The Applications will indeed have to trust the DAO/PNF to reimburse them. The following is an example of the approach PNF could take.

  1. Assume Application staking by Gateways is permissionless and done.
  2. Applications pay onchain for costs and inflation
  3. PNF KYCs Gateways who seek reimbursement.
  4. Gateways that don't go through the KYC process cover the cost of inflation out of pocket.
  5. A script that retrieves onchain reimbursement requests will be written that automatically send funds to previously KYCed gateways
  6. The script above, and the trust that it'll be maintained, updated and executed relies in the Gateways' trust in the PNF.

This is similar, in spirit, but still an improvement on top of the trust between Gateways and PNF in Morse today in order to:

  • Get access to the limited supply of Gateway keys
  • Gateways paying the onchain burn manually

How does this solution scale for Sovereign Applications?

Sovereign Applications are no different than Gateway Applications in this respect. They are smaller and a much less common use case, but will have to follow the same reimbursement process described above.

Read more about about their differences and similarities here.

What kind of resources are needed to scale and automate reimbursement?

This will be a combination of onchain and offchain resources (EventReader, TxSubmission, Accounting, etc...). In particular:

  • Onchain: load testing will show if events take up too much onchain space. This is unlikely to be an issue relative to proofs.
  • Offchain: PNF Directors are aware and approve of the operational overhead this will require. This will require some offchain scripting to automate the process.