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This part of the documentation is just an INITIAL DRAFT and requires deep understanding of the Pocket Network protocol. It is currently aiming to just be a reference and not provide a coherent narrative that is easily accessible to all readers.


The Gateway Actor section covers what a Gateway is. Recall that it is a permissionless protocol actor to whom the Application can optionally delegate onchain trust in order to perform offchain operations.

This section aims to cover the cryptographic aspects of Gateway interactions, trust delegation, and how they fit into the Pocket Network protocol.

Modes of Operation

There are three modes of operation to interact with the Suppliers on the network:

  1. Sovereign Application: Client manages personal Application private key
  2. Delegating Application: Gateway abstracts all aspects of Pocket Network to Client
  3. Gateway Application: Client trusts Gateway to sign relays on behalf of its Application

For the purposes of this discussion, it is important to note that an Application and Gateway are onchain actors/records that stake POKT to participate in the network. The term Client is used to represent an application running on a user's device, such as a smartphone or a web browser.

The goal of Gateways is to enable free-market offchain economics tie into onchain interactions.

Sovereign Application

A Sovereign Application is one where the Client manages its own onchain Application and interacts with the Pocket Supplier Network directly.

The Application is responsible for:

  • Protecting it's own Application private key on the Client
  • Maintaining and updating it's own onchain stake to pay for Supplier services
  • Determining which Supplier to use from the available list in the session

Delegating Application

A Delegated Application is one where an Application delegates to one or more Gateways. Agreements (authentication, payments, etc) between the Client and Gateway are then managed offchain, but payment for the onchain Supplier services still comes from the Applications stake.

The Application is responsible for:

  • Protecting it's own Application private key somewhere in hot/cold storage
  • Maintaining and updating it's own onchain stake to pay for Supplier services
  • Managing, through (un)delegation, which Gateway(s) can sign requests on ts behalf

The Gateway is responsible for:

  • Providing tooling and infrastructure to coordinate with the Client
  • Determining which Supplier to use from the available list in the session

Gateway Application

A Gateway Application is one where the Gateway takes full onus, on behalf of Clients to manage all onchain Application interactions to access the Pocket Supplier Network. Agreements (authentication, payments, etc) between the Client and Gateway are then managed offchain, and payment for the onchain Supplier services will comes from the Applications stake, which is now maintained by the Gateway.

It is responsible for:

The Gateway is responsible for:

  • Protecting it's own Application private key somewhere in hot/cold storage
  • Maintaining and updating it's own onchain stake to pay for Supplier services
  • Providing tooling and infrastructure to coordinate with the Client
  • Determining which Supplier to use from the available list in the session

Application -> Gateway Delegation

An Application that chooses to delegate trust to a gateway by submitting a one-time DelegateMsg transaction. Once this is done, the Gateway will be able to sign relay requests on behalf of the Application that'll use the Applications onchain stake to pay for service to access the Pocket Supplier Network.

This can be done any number of times, so an Application can delegate to multiple Gateways simultaneously.

Relay Signatures

As explained in the Claim & Proof Lifecycle document, the Application that signs the relay request is the one whose stake is used to for access to services provided by the Pocket Supplier Network.

The Application is the one paying for services, but a Gateway could potentially be the one proxing and signing the relay. Ring Signatures are used to enable both since delegation happens at the public key level.

Below we see what the Ring would look like in each of the three modes of operation described above:

Delegating Application Example

As an example, consider an Application that has delegated to two independent Gateways: Gateway 1 & Gateway 2. The diagrams below show a few things:

  • A client with the Application private can sign the relay itself or delegate to a Gateway to sign the relay on its behalf.
  • A client without the Application private key can only delegate to a Gateway to sign the relay on its behalf.
  • The Supplier does not know who signed the relay, but only that it was signed by one of Application, Gateway 1, or Gateway 2.
  • The Application is always the one paying for the service.

[WIP] Gateway Offchain Operations

Gateways can design and manage offchain operations to coordinate with the Client including by not limited to:

  • Dashboards & user management
  • API Keys
  • Second layer of rate limiting
  • Providing altruist backups
  • QoS (SLA, SLO) guarantees
  • Prove & validate data integrity
  • Provide additional offchain services
  • Guarantee certain SLAs and SLOs
  • Manage onchain Pocket logic (account top-ups, etc...)
  • Etc...