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Full Node - Cosmovisor

Run a Full Node using Cosmovisor

This document provides instructions on using the official Cosmos SDK Cosmosvisor to run a full Pocket Network node.

What is a Full Node

In blockchain networks, a full node retains continuous synchs and updates the latest copy of the ledger. It may either be a pruned full node (the latest data only) or an archival full node (including complete and historical data).

You can visit the Cosmos SDK documentation for more information on Full Nodes.

What is Cosmovisor

Cosmovisor is a tool that automates the version management for our blockchain. It allows operators to automatically upgrade their full nodes and validators without downtime and reduce maintenance overhead.

Installation Instructions

To install and set up a Poktroll Full Node using Cosmovisor, we provide a comprehensive installation script. This script will handle all the necessary steps, including user creation, dependency installation, Cosmovisor and Poktrolld setup, and system configuration.


  • A Linux-based system (Debian-based distributions are fully supported, others may work as well)
  • Root or sudo access
  • A dedicated server or a virtual machine (any provider should work, Vultr and Hetzner have been tested)

Installation Steps

  1. Download the installation script:

    curl -O
  2. Make the script executable:

    chmod +x
  3. Run the script with sudo privileges:

    sudo ./
  4. Follow the prompts to provide the necessary information:

    • Desired username to run poktrolld (default: poktroll)
    • Node moniker (default: hostname)
    • Seeds (default: fetched from the official source)
    • Chain ID (default: poktroll-testnet)

The script will then proceed with the installation and setup process.

Useful Command Cheat Sheet

After the installation is complete, your Poktroll Full Node should be up and running.


Remember to keep your system updated and monitor your node regularly to ensure its proper functioning and security.

Here are some useful commands for managing your node:

Check the status of your node

 sudo systemctl status cosmovisor.service

View the logs

sudo journalctl -u cosmovisor.service -f

Stop the node

sudo systemctl stop cosmovisor.service

Start the node

sudo systemctl start cosmovisor.service

Restart the node

sudo systemctl restart cosmovisor.service