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Checking Your Wallet Account Balance

Usage requirements

You will need access to your wallet address and the denomination of the token you wish to query (i.e. upokt).

The default node is set to interact with a local instance. For network-specific queries (i.e. accessing TestNet or MainNet), you will need an RPC endpoint.

Knowing your account's balance is crucial for effective transaction management on Pocket Network. This guide provides the necessary steps to check your wallet's balance using the poktrolld command-line interface (CLI).


  1. poktrolld is installed on your system; see the installation guide for more details
  2. You have the address of the wallet you wish to check
  3. You know the token denomination you wish to check; upokt for POKT tokens
What is a upokt?

1 POKT = 1,000,000 upokt

1 upokt = 1 micro POKT = 10^-6 POKT = 0.000001 POKT

Step 1: Preparing the Query

You can check your wallet's balance by specifying the address in the following command:

poktrolld query bank balance [address] upokt


poktrolld query bank balance pokt1hdfggsqdy66awgvr4lclyupddz4n2dfrl9rjwv upokt

Step 2: Viewing the Balance

Upon executing the command, you'll receive output similar to the following, showing your balance:

amount: "8999"
denom: upokt

This output indicates that the wallet address holds 8999 upokt tokens.

Accessing non-local environments

You must provide the --node flag to access non LocalNet environments.

For example, to check a balance on TestNet, you would use the following command:

poktrolld query bank balance [address] upokt \