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AppGateServer config

This document describes the configuration options for the AppGateServer, an Application or Gateway co-processor/sidecar that acts as the real server for querying request, signing requests and verifying responses.

This document describes the configuration options available for the AppGateServerthrough the appgate_server_config.yaml file.


You can find a fully featured example configuration at appgate_server_config_example.yaml.


The AppGateServer is responsible for multiple things:

  1. Determines how the AppGateServer with respect to Pocket network connectivity
  2. Whether it acts as a self serving Application or a Gateway to other Applications
  3. Configures the host(s) it listens on for incoming RelayRequests


The AppGateServer start command accepts a --config flag that points to a configuration .yaml file that will be used to initialize the AppGateServer.


TestNet is not ready as of writing this documentation, so you may need to adjust the command below appropriately.

poktrolld appgate-server  \
--config ./appgate_server_config.yaml \
--keyring-backend test


The AppGateServer configuration file is a .yaml file that contains the following fields:

query_node_rpc_url: tcp://<hostname>:<port>
query_node_grpc_url: tcp://<hostname>:<port>
self_signing: <boolean>
signing_key: <string>
listening_endpoint: http://<hostname>:<port>
enabled: true
addr: :9090



The RPC URL of the Pocket node that allows the AppGateServer to subscribe to on-chain CometBFT events via websockets. It is re-formatted by the SDK as ws://<hostname>:<port>/websocket and establishes a persistent connection to the Pocket Node in order to stream events such as latest blocks, and other information such as on-chain (un)delegation events.



The gRPC URL of the Pocket node that allows the AppGateServer to fetch data from the Pocket network (eg. Sessions, Accounts, Applications, etc...).




  • true -> AppGateServer acts as an Application
  • false -> AppGateServer acts as a Gateway


Indicates whether the AppGateServer acts as a self serving Application or a Gateway to other Applications.

If true, the AppGateServer will act as an Application and will only use its own address to generate a ring-signer for signing RelayRequests before forwarding them to a RelayMiner.

If false, the AppGateServer will act as a Gateway and will generate a ring-signer from both its address and the Application's address provided in the request's applicationAddr query parameter then use it to sign the RelayRequests before forwarding them to a RelayMiner.



Name of the key used to derive the public key and the corresponding address for cryptographic rings generation used to sign RelayRequests.

The key name must be present in the keyring that is specified when the AppGateServer is started.



The endpoint that the AppGateServer will listen on for incoming requests.



This section configures a Prometheus exporter endpoint, enabling the collection and export of metrics data. The addr field specifies the network address for the exporter to bind to. It can be either a port number, which assumes binding to all interfaces, or a specific host:port combination.

Example configuration:

enabled: true
addr: :9090

When enabled is set to true, the exporter is active. The addr value of :9090 implies the exporter is bound to port 9090 on all available network interfaces.



Configures a pprof endpoint for troubleshooting and debugging performance issues.

Example configuration:

enabled: true
addr: localhost:6060

You can learn how to use that endpoint on the Performance Troubleshooting page.