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Full Node Cheat Sheet

This cheat sheet provides quick instructions for installing a Full Node using an automated script.


  1. Linux-based System: Ensure you have a Debian-based Linux distribution (other distributions may work but are not fully supported).
  2. Root or Sudo Access: You need administrative privileges to run the installation script.
  3. Dedicated Server or Virtual Machine: Any provider should work (Vultr and Hetzner have been tested).

Install a Full Node using Cosmovisor

To install and set up a Full Node, follow these steps:

  1. Download the Installation Script:

    curl -O
  2. Run the Script with Sudo Privileges:

    sudo bash
  3. Follow the Prompts:

    • Choose the Network: Select testnet-alpha, testnet-beta, or mainnet.
    • Set Username: Input the desired username to run poktrolld (default: poktroll).
    • Set Node Moniker: Input the node moniker (default: your hostname).
    • Confirm Seeds and Genesis File: The script fetches seeds and the genesis file automatically.
    • External IP Address: The script detects your external IP address. Confirm or input manually if incorrect.

The script will handle the installation of dependencies, user creation, environment variable setup, and configuration of Cosmovisor and poktrolld.

What Gets Installed

When you run the installation script, the following components are set up:

  1. System User: A dedicated user (default: poktroll) is created to run the node securely.

  2. Cosmovisor: A binary manager that handles chain upgrades automatically:

    • Location: /home/poktroll/bin/cosmovisor
    • Purpose: Manages different versions of poktrolld and handles chain upgrades
    • Configuration: Set up to automatically download and switch to new binaries during upgrades
  3. Poktrolld: The core node software:

    • Location: /home/poktroll/.poktroll/cosmovisor/genesis/bin/poktrolld
    • Configuration: /home/poktroll/.poktroll/config/
    • Data: /home/poktroll/.poktroll/data/
  4. Systemd Service: A service that manages the node:

    • Name: cosmovisor.service
    • Status: Enabled and started automatically
    • Configured for automatic restarts and upgrades

Useful Commands

After installation, you can manage your node using the following commands:

Check the status of your node

sudo systemctl status cosmovisor.service

View the logs

sudo journalctl -u cosmovisor.service -f

Stop the node

sudo systemctl stop cosmovisor.service

Start the node

sudo systemctl start cosmovisor.service

Restart the node

sudo systemctl restart cosmovisor.service

Advanced Operations

Check the current version:

sudo -u poktroll poktrolld version

View the Cosmovisor directory structure:

ls -la /home/poktroll/.poktroll/cosmovisor/

Check if an upgrade is available:

ls -la /home/poktroll/.poktroll/cosmovisor/upgrades/

View node configuration:

cat /home/poktroll/.poktroll/config/config.toml

Automatic Upgrades

Your node is configured to handle chain upgrades automatically through Cosmovisor. When a chain upgrade is proposed and approved:

  1. Cosmovisor will download the new binary
  2. The node will stop at the designated upgrade height
  3. Cosmovisor will switch to the new binary
  4. The node will restart automatically

No manual intervention is required for standard upgrades.