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Load Test #1 - Plan

This document outlines the first load test for the Shannon upgrade. IT IS NOT intended to be an exhaustive evaluation of the entire system's performance. IT IS intended to give visibility into the business logic of the platform, and create a baseline for future load tests.

  • All Pocket loadtest issues on GitHub can be found here.

Table of Contents


  1. De-risk the network’s feasibility to have completely permissionless services & actors
    1. This is intended for scalability purposes and does not account for Sybil attacks
  2. Stress test the SMT (Sparse Merkle Trie) and how it is being used
  3. Build intuition into the cost of operating the network for all of the stakeholders involved, both on & off chain
  4. Gain visibility into basic metrics (disk, RAM, CPU, ingress/egress traffic, etc.…) for our network actors
  5. Uncover potential bugs, bottlenecks or concurrency issues in the onchain & offchain code
  6. Document and design a process that’ll act as the foundation for future load-testing efforts


  1. Exhaustive benchmarking of all traditional performance metrics across our tools & packages (key-value stores, http libs, etc…)
  2. Sybil attacks tokenomic considerations
  3. Perform any of the following tests: smoke tests, spike tests, fuzzy testing, chaos testing, soak testing etc…
  4. Evaluating the performance or results of proxy services / data nodes
  5. Selecting new tools or libraries as a direct outcome of these results.
  6. Mimicking the scale of Morse (v0) today
  7. Accounting for Failure cases, since the primary focus is just evaluating happy path scale
  8. Anything to do with Quality of Service as it is concerned from today’s Gateway POV

Origin Document

This forum post from Morse is a good starting point to gain an understanding of why load testing is important and critical in Shannon.

Load Profiles

Variable Parameters

MetricStarting ValueTerminal ValueIncrement (fuzz + approximate)
RelaysPerSecond1 rps10,000 rps+100 rps every 10 blocks
GatewayCount110+1 gateway every 100 blocks
ApplicationCount51,000+10 apps every 10 blocks
SupplierCount51,00+1 every 100 blocks
ProxyService / DataNode0 / ∞0 / ∞Mocked to avoid being a performance bottlneck

Constant Parameter

  • BlockTime - A constant block time between 10s and 60s will be selected for the benchmarks in this test
  • RequestType - We will use a “dummy” backing data node / proxy service that leverages nginx to return a 200 or 500 randomly
  • RequestDistribution - The RelaysPerSecond will be evenely distributed
  • VirtualUsers - For simplicity, we will assume a 1:1 mapping of virtual users (i.e. curl clients) to Applications

Out-of-scope Parameters

  • Governance Parameters have not been implemented yet and are therefore out-of-scope


What to measure?

1. Chain State Size


  • A pie chart or stacked bar chart of how the data in the Blocks is distributed
  • A line chart showing state growth over size


  • Get an estimate of the cost of data publishing (i.e. TIA tokens)
  • Get an estimate of data distribution (where to focus short-term optimizaiton efforts)


2. Validators

What: Multiple line charts to capture Disk (size & iops), RAM, CPU , Network usage (ingress/egress)


  • Proof Validation - RAM & CPU could be a potential bottleneck
  • Block generation - RAM & CPU could be a bottleneck in preparing new blocks
  • Block Publishing - Tx aggregation (ingress) and Block publishing (egress) could be more expensive than expected w.r.t network usage
  • Data Availability State - Disk could be a limiting factor depending on how quickly state grows
Proof Validation
Block Generation
Block Publishing
Data Availability State

3. PATH Gateway (Application, Gateway, etc…)

What: Multiple line charts to capture Disk (size & iops), RAM, CPU , Network usage (ingress/egress)


  • Relay Proxies Ingress/egress of relays could add up to large networking costs
  • Caches & State - All the caching & state can have impact across the board
  • Request Processing - Signature generation, request marshaling / unmarshaling, etc…
  • Response handling - Slow supplier responses could increase pending relays at the PATH Gateway level (i.e. RAM)
Relay Proxies
Caches & State
Request Processing

4. RelayMiner (Supplier, SMT, etc..)

What: Multiple line charts to capture Disk (size & iops), RAM, CPU , Network usage (ingress/egress)


  • SMT - The SMT is one of the most important parts of the end-to-end flow which has impact on RAM, CPU & disk
  • Caches & State - All the caching & state can have impact across the board
  • Request Processing - Signature generation, request marshaling / unmarshaling, etc…
  • Request generation - Generating the actual response to the request via the dummy service
Caches & State
Request Processing
Response Generation


The exact details of the implementation are out-of-scope and will be developed adhoc along the way. The following is a non-exhaustive list of items we will figure out along the way:

  1. Data Collection
  2. ConcreteAnalysis Methodology
  3. Templates for format reporting

Architecture / Component Diagram


  • 🔵 Pocket Specific Actors
  • 🟣 Pocket Network dependencies
  • 🟠 New tooling that needs to be build
  • -- Asynchronous request
  • - Synchronous request

This GitHub does not render colored mermaid diagrams, you can also access the image here.

TODO_IMPROVE: Improve the colors for readability purposes per the comment here.

Tool Requirements

Deployment Environment

  • Ability to deploy the environment (and tooling) on LocalNet & DevNet

Request Source / Generator

  • A script/tool to generate $N$ requests per second

Script - Instructions

  • Ramp-up & ramp-down strategy
  • Instructions on when & how to execute commands (manually) to ramp-up & down

Script - Tools

  • Commands to periodically trigger manual stake/unstake txs
  • Commands to periodically scale up suppliers & gateways
  • Commands to periodically add a new virtual user
  • Command to periodically increase the number of requests per seconds