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It is still really early to start contributing to Shannon, so we suggest you do so if you're a highly experienced and independent developer.

Community Tickets

You can find all GitHub issues that are labeled with community here. These were designed to be independent and easy to pick up by anyone.


If you run make todo_list, you will all the TODOs on our backlog. If there's one that peaks your interest simply:

  1. Open a GitHub issue (see instructions below)
  2. Provide a screenshot of the TODO you're interested in tackling
  3. Someone from the protocol team will reponsd


The best way to reach us is by opening a GitHub Issue and outline your proposal, issue or suggestion before you start doing any piece of work. We want to make sure it is still relevant and not being duplicated by anyone else.


Reach out to the protocol team on discord once you have something actionable to discuss.