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App Integration Suites

// TODO(@bryanchriswhite): Replace github source links with godocs links once available.

Table of Contents


The suites package provides interfaces and base implementations for creating and managing app integration test suites.

The foundational components are:

  • IntegrationSuite: An interface defining common methods for interacting with an integration app.
  • BaseIntegrationSuite: A base implementation of the IntegrationSuite interface that can be extended by embedding in other test suites.

When to Use Test Suites

  • Complex Integration Tests: Testing interactions between several modules; suites facilitate encapsulation and decomposition.
  • Complex Scenarios: Simulating real-world scenarios that involve several transactions, state changes, and/or complex assertion logic.
  • Reusable Components: To DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) up common test helpers which can be embedded in other test suites (object oriented).

Using an Existing Integration Suite

The testutil/integration/suites package contains multiple app integration suites which are intended to be embedded in app integration level test suites.

Example (ParamsSuite)

The following example shows a test suite which embeds suites.ParamsSuite, in order to set onchain module params as part of its SetupTest() method:

package suites

import (
cosmostypes ""
banktypes ""

type ExampleTestSuite struct {

// SetupTest is called before each test method in the suite.
func (s *ExampleTestSuite) SetupTest() {
// Initialize a new app instance for each test. = NewApp(s.T())

// Setup the authz accounts and grants for updating parameters.

// Set the module params using the ParamsSuite.

func (s *ExampleTestSuite) TestExample() {
// Query module params using the ParamsSuite.
sharedParams, err := s.QueryModuleParams(s.T(), sharedtypes.ModuleName)
require.NoError(s.T(), err)

// Utilize other BaseIntegrationSuite methods to interact with the app...

fundAmount := int64(1000)
fundAddr, err := cosmostypes.AccAddressFromBech32("cosmos1exampleaddress...")
require.NoError(s.T(), err)

// Fund an address using the suite's FundAddress method.
s.FundAddress(s.T(), fundAddr, fundAmount)

// Use the bank query client to verify the balance.
bankQueryClient := s.GetBankQueryClient()
balRes, err := bankQueryClient.Balance(s.SdkCtx(), &banktypes.QueryBalanceRequest{
Address: fundAddr.String(),
Denom: "upokt",

// Validate the balance.
require.NoError(s.T(), err)
require.Equal(s.T(), fundAmount, balRes.GetBalance().Amount.Int64())

// Run the ExampleIntegrationSuite.
func TestExampleTestSuite(t *testing.T) {
suite.Run(t, new(ExampleTestSuite))

Implementing a Test Suite

// TODO_DOCUMENT(@bryanchriswhite)

Test Suite Gotchas

  • Setup: You MAY need to call SetupXXX(): check embedded suites for any required setup and copy-paste
  • Accessing Test State: Avoid using s.T() in methods of suites which are intended to be embedded in other suites; pass a *testing.T argument instead.
  • Inheritance: Inheriting multiple suites is hard since only one can be embedded anonymously: others will have to accessed via a named field.

// TODO_DOCUMENT(@bryanchriswhite): Add a testutil/integration/suites.doc.go with testable examples.