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poktrolld Installation

TL;DR If you have brew
brew tap pokt-network/poktroll
brew install poktrolld

Table of Contents

MacOS Users

Ensure you have Homebrew installed.

Then run the following commands:

brew tap pokt-network/poktroll
brew install poktrolld

And verify it worked by running:

poktrolld version
poktrolld --help

Troubleshooting Homebrew

Read this section if you're having problems downloading or upgrading your poktrolld binary using Homebrew.

The source code for the Homebrew formula is available in the homebrew-poktroll repository.

If you encounter any issues, like being unable to install the latest version, you can try the following:

brew update
brew upgrade poktrolld

Or as a last resort, you can try the following:

brew tap --repair
brew untap pokt-network/poktroll
brew uninstall poktrolld
brew tap pokt-network/poktroll
brew install poktrolld

Using release binaries (if you don't have brew)

tl;dr manual download
  1. Grab a binary from the latest release
  2. Download the appropriate poktroll_${OS}_${ARCH}.tar.gz for your environment
  3. Untar the downloaded file to retrieve the poktrolld binary
  4. Extract the binary to /usr/local/bin

Pre-built binaries are available on our releases page.

You can view the latest release directly by clicking here.

The following snippet downloads/upgrades the binary to the latest released version:

# Download the correct binary based on the OS and architecture
curl -LO "$(uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')_$(uname -m | sed 's/x86_64/amd64/;s/aarch64/arm64/').tar.gz"

# Extract the downloaded tarball to /usr/local/bin
sudo tar -zxf "poktroll_$(uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')_$(uname -m | sed 's/x86_64/amd64/;s/aarch64/arm64/').tar.gz" -C /usr/local/bin

# Make the binary executable
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/poktrolld

# Check version
poktrolld version

From Source (danger zone)

Do not continue unless you're a 🚀👨‍💻💎

This method is only recommended for ADVANCED users as it requires working with developer tools.

Installing dependencies

Ensure you have the following installed:

Installing poktrolld

Then, Retrieve the source code and build the poktrolld locally like so:

# Clone the repository
git clone
cd poktroll

# Optional: Switch to a specific version (recommended)
# Replace v0.0.12 with your desired version from
git checkout v0.0.12

# Build the binary
make go_develop
make ignite_poktrolld_build

And verify it worked by running:

poktrolld version
poktrolld --help

Windows Users (why!?)


Currently, we do not support native Windows installation. Windows users are encouraged to use Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) and follow the Linux installation instructions.